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Animal Behaviour Training - ACRO Certified Course 

If you are planning to adopt an animal or raise a few, one must know that pet parenting is very different from parenting human children. It takes more effort, time, love and care to raise animals as they will always be young children for the rest of their lives. Our short two-month course is a must for all those who are considering having a pet in their lives. 


Course Overview: 

The Animal Behaviour Training (ABT) is a short two-month programme for all pet parents and animal lovers who wish to learn more about animal psychology and behaviour.


Course Description:

8 weeks of education and training on animal behaviour will enable students to understand the nuances of raising animals in a domestic environment. Additionally, students will get to learn how to limit animal cruelty in their daily lives, 


Course Content:

 The programme is conducted remotely due to COVID-19 restrictions and new social norms. The content of the course will be taught through online lectures, seminars, video conferences with professionals 


Introduction to Psychology

Lectures (6 hours) | Live sessions (1 hour) when applicable | Self-study required (15 hours)


Introduction to Animal Behaviour and Psychology

Lectures (6 hours) | Live sessions (1 hour) when applicable | Self-study required (15 hours) 



Lectures ( 4 hours) | Live sessions (1 hour) when applicable | Self-study required (12 hours) 


Health and Wellness of Animals

Lectures ( 2 hours) | Live sessions (1 hour) when applicable | Self-study required ( 10 hours) 


Course in-take:

*Each batch has a maximum capacity of 20 students for individuals. We run four batches a year for individual applicants. 


-Families, business organisations, schools, colleges and universities willing to send participate do not have a maximum capacity and can apply as a group of people. Timings and dates can be scheduled according to the availability of therapists and groups. 


Before submitting your online forms, please read the following information carefully:



We do not conduct written examinations for this programme. Our mode of assessment is coursework. It will mainly include online quizzes and the submission of essays for the theoretical modules. 



All students who are enrolled in the programme are entitled to keep a tab of their progress, assignments and assessments. 


Entry requirements:


a) Love for animals: 

You must be an animal lover or pet parent to enrol in this course. 


c)Personal Statement:

A personal statement not exceeding 600 words is a mandatory pre-requisite for the programme. This can be uploaded on the online application or attached as a separate word document/image/PDF. Please explain and detail your reasons to apply for this programme and give a brief outline of the future goals you've thought about towards the end. 


f) References 

-Students approaching us for all school and college-related projects, must have a letter stating the objectives of the project on their institution's letterhead, along with the signatures of faculty members, HODs, and administrative staff. 


-Academic or professional references are not mandatory or required if you're going to enrol out of interest. 


How to apply: 

Students can apply all year round but will be allotted a batch according to availability. All applicants are requested to submit their application through an online portal and a non-refundable application fee of ₹1,000. 


How your application is processed: 

The ABT course is a new course that has been introduced this year. Previously this course was conducted as short workshops for individuals and groups. Once you've completed your online application process, you will receive a confirmation in not less than 8 weeks. 



If you're wait-listed for one in-take, you will directly be allotted the next batch without any extra application fees.  



Home/Overseas fees: ₹35,000. 


The fees may be subjected to an increase every academic year, in line with ACRO terms and conditions. 



Once a student receives an offer, they are expected to pay a non-refundable deposit to secure their place. This will be automatically credited to your total fees for the programme, post your commencement. 


Home/Overseas fees: ₹3,500.



Accreditation and certification:

The certificate you receive post the completion of the programme is not accredited by any regulatory body in India but is issued by the ACRO clinic only. The programme initiates you to acquire skills and understand animal psychology and behaviour. 



For information on applications, please get in touch with us via email -









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