Date: 03/03/22- 14/03/22
Author Name: Udita Singh
Qualifications: B.A.(Hons), M.A. Applied Psychology (Specialisation in Clinical Psychology)
Designation: Consultant Psychologist, ACRO Mental Health Services.
Word count: 3,218 words
Reading time: 28 mins
Reviewed by: Aishwarya Krishna Priya, Sareem Athar and Mariyam Mohammed.
“Anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows, but only empties today of its strength.” - Charles Spurgeon (1)
What is social anxiety?
Social anxiety disorder is a type of anxiety disorder marked by a profound fear in social situations, causing severe distress and impaired ability to function in some parts of daily life (2,3). It is also known as social phobia, and it is one of the most common mental disorders (4).It can be so severe that the simplest interactions such as ordering at a restaurant, making eye contact, going to school or the office, dating, using a public restroom, eating in front of others, or answering calls can cause panic (5). This can lead to avoidance that can disrupt daily life and affect daily routine, school, work and the ability to develop a close relationship with people outside of the family (6). People with a social anxiety disorder may know that their fears are illogical and unreasonable, but they feel helpless to defeat them (7).
Let’s say it’s your first day at your new job (8). Maybe you are nervous, or jittery. You want to make a good impression (9,10). Those feelings are quite normal and may help you be more alert and careful (11). But after a few weeks, once you are used to the job, and you know your coworkers, that nervousness usually diminishes (12). But, for some people that initial anxiety is high, and it stays high over time (13). For those people, the fear of being judged negatively by new people might be so daunting that it affects their ability to do their job well (14). Even the idea of having to be somewhere where they may be scrutinised by others might make them not want the job in the first place. This describes social anxiety disorder (15,16).
Do you find it hard to socialise with other people? Do you feel overwhelmed at the thought of going to a social event? Are you extremely afraid of being judged by others? Are you very self-conscious in everyday social situations? Do you avoid meeting new people? These are all trademark signs of social anxiety (17,18).
It is the second most commonly diagnosed anxiety disorder following specific phobias (19). Furthermore, it can be very easy to confuse social anxiety with shyness since they share many of the same characteristics (20). While shyness is a personality trait, social anxiety is a mental illness. Social anxiety disorder can cause significant disruption of a person’s daily life (21,22).
How is social anxiety disorder diagnosed?
Social anxiety disorder is a disorder that involves fear, anxiety, and sometimes panic when social situations occur (23,24). So, the first criterion to diagnose the disorder is anxiety or fear in social situations where there is a possibility of exposure to scrutiny (25). This is one of the key characteristics of a social anxiety disorder (26). The emphasis is really on these social situations or on that somebody is afraid of being negatively evaluated by others (27).
The second criterion is the fear of acting in a way that will result in a negative evaluation (28). Somebody could be afraid that they might humiliate or embarrass themselves and this takes on a lot of different forms in terms of what specifically a person is worried will happen and what types of social situations can trigger that (29). This is not only related to public speaking but it can be all different types of public performance (30).
The next criterion is that social situations almost always result in anxiety or fear (31). If there is an individual who occasionally has an intense anxiety reaction to different social situations, they may not qualify for a diagnosis (32,33).
People with social anxiety make sure that social situations are avoided or they are endured with intense fear or anxiety (34). The next criterion is that the anxiety and fear are out of proportion to the actual threat (35). It is not unusual that individuals are worried or have anxiety about situations that are threatening (36). Most of the time, that reaction is out of proportion to what is going on, meaning, there may be some threat present, but it does not rise to the level that matches the anxiety, fear, or panic that we observe (37).
The next criterion is that the disturbance lasts longer than six months (38). It is quite persistent. Also, it must lead to clinically significant distress in social, occupational, and other areas (39). So there are instances where people have a social anxiety disorder but it only relates to performing (40):it could be work performance, public speaking, etc (41).
How prevalent is it?
Since it is one of the most common anxiety disorders, a social anxiety disorder can be found in around 7 to 13% of the population (42). It has been found that at least 1 in 8 people suffer or get diagnosed with social anxiety disorder in the course of their life (43,44). With regard to gender, it has been noted that there is no such difference in the occurrence according to gender; for both males and females, it occurs at a similar rate (45).
What is it like living with social anxiety?
Depending on the intensity of it, it can be pretty mild, and just lead to anxiety at parties, anxiety about speaking in front of groups, etc (46). But for some people, it leads to avoidance and it could be quite problematic if the person is unwilling to go out and socialise if they are unable to turn their camera on in a Zoom call, if they are unable to make or maintain friendships, then it can not only be debilitating, but it can also lead to other disorders like depressive disorders because of a lack of connection, a lack of positive reinforcement by getting out there and experiencing what life has to offer (47). So, it can be quite challenging (48, 49).
How does social anxiety differ from other anxiety disorders?
All anxiety disorders are maintained by “experiential avoidance” (50). So if there is anxiety, and the person is letting that anxiety control their behaviour, and lead them to avoid whatever situation they are fearful of, then that same process plays out (51). In social anxiety, what the person is avoiding has to do with socialising (52). The feared stimulus is a social environment or situation (53).
What are its symptoms?
1. You are always self-conscious: One aspect of social anxiety is the extreme fear of being judged (54,55). If you have social anxiety, you will constantly worry about the way you look or act and what others think of you (56). Your greatest fear is embarrassing yourself in front of others (57). A shy person, on the other hand, will only worry about being judged in certain situations, like in public speaking or when meeting someone new (58).
2. Your anxiety feels out of hand: there are times when it is normal to feel shy or nervous around other people, for example when you move to a new school or college or have to perform in front of an audience (59). But social anxiety is irrational and unwarranted (60). You may feel distressed about things as simple as making eye contact with someone, using public transportation or eating in front of other people (61).The fear is always there…(62).
3. It interferes with your performance: have you ever called in sick to work when your anxiety became too overwhelming? Or have you kept quiet when you were having trouble in class? Social anxiety can impact your performance in many ways (63,64). With the constant fear of people’s judgement, you may even be afraid to do well to avoid drawing attention (65). You don’t pitch ideas in meetings, raise your hand in class, or join clubs because of how much anxiety it creates (66).
4. It affects your relationships: While it is hard to make friends when you are shy, it can feel almost impossible when you have social anxiety (67). For a shy person, it is usually about breaking the ice and going through the initial awkwardness of meeting each other (68). But having social anxiety can complicate your relationships (69,70). You feel tense and uneasy around people, no matter how close you are or how long you have known them (71).
5. It does not go away with familiarity: it is normal to feel shy at the beginning of a new relationship, but as you get to know each other, the tension will start to subside (72). This is not the case if you have social anxiety (73). Instead, you always experience fear, distress, and embarrassment whenever you are around other people(74). It doesn’t matter if it is your parents, siblings, or your best friend; you always feel uneasy and stressed unless you are alone (75).
6. You overanalyse everything: Social anxiety can make you obsess over your social interactions, body language, and tone of voice; to see if they mean what they are saying or not (77).
7. You avoid social situations: Are you often absent or very late to social gatherings? It is a serious matter if your social anxiety leads you to avoid social situations altogether (78,79). You decline invitations, refuse to speak in front of others, and would rather sit in the corner to avoid being noticed and mingle with anyone else (80).
8.You have physical symptoms: do you feel nausea, dizziness or chest palpitations when you are in social situations? (81) Just like most anxiety disorders, social anxiety is often accompanied by physical symptoms (82). Some common ones are sweaty palms, shortness of breath, lightheadedness and trembling (83). While these are also the same signs of someone having a panic attack, you will be able to tell the difference if you only show these symptoms when anticipating or being out in a social setting (84,85).
What are the signs and symptoms shown by a child who has a social anxiety disorder?
Children who have social anxiety may be uncomfortable or awkward with peers, they might have difficulty joining group activities and they might protest against becoming a part of group activities (86). They may also have trouble with separation from their caregiver or parents in the morning (87).They may have trouble warming up in a group, so they may have difficulty joining a playgroup of kids (88). It may take the influence of teachers or other adults to draw them towards the playgroups and help them interact with other kids (89).
What are the causes?
The exact cause of the disorder is unknown (90). Several pathways can lead to the development of social anxiety disorder (91). Current literature also points out that it is likely that an individual suffering from it has been affected by a combination of these factors (92). But this is not the case for everyone (93).Even though researchers have not been able to associate specific genes with social anxiety, data points towards familial links (94). The children of socially anxious parents are more likely to suffer from it than the children of non-socially anxious people (95). Thus, it tends to run in families, and therefore, it can be concluded that there seems to be a moderate genetic component to it (96).
One way through which our genes influence our reactions to certain stimuli is temperament (97).When thinking of temperament, we usually picture uncontrollable outbursts of anger. But in the case of social anxiety disorder, it is a different type of temperament playing a causal role for many people (98). In comparison to most individuals who can engage with new people and situations more or less easily, this subgroup displays rather precautious and avoidant behaviour and tends to react with increased sensitivity when faced with unfamiliar stimuli (100,101).
There is an increased risk of developing the disorder for people who exhibit a stable childhood temperament of behavioural inhibition (102). Another factor that influences the development of social anxiety is the attachment style of a person (103). In a famous study conducted by Mary Ainsworth, a young child and her primary caregiver were brought to a lab, and they were separated for a short period of time, and they have reunited again (104,105). Of special interest is the behaviour of the child in this process (106). A securely attached child will display distress on separation from his or her mother but calms down relatively easily when reunited with her (107,108).
While about 60% of people account for this group, three types of insecure attachment styles have been observed: the insecure ambivalent style, the anxious-avoidant type, and the disorganized type (109). An insecure attachment style has been found to increase the chances of developing social anxiety disorder (110,111).
Many people suffering from the disorder report having been raised by parents that are overprotective, controlling, insensitive, rejecting, and emotionally distant (112). Therefore, a controlling and rejecting parenting style is believed to be another predisposition for the development of social anxiety (113). Parents of people suffering from the disorder may also overemphasize the opinions of others, socially isolate their offspring when they are children or use shame as a disciplinary procedure (114). Many people suffering from social anxiety can recall an experience that seemed to cause the onset of the disorder in their lives or which worsened their symptoms drastically, such as struggling when reading out loud in front of the class and being laughed at as a result (115). In a survey conducted in 1985, 58% of people suffering from social anxiety reported a traumatic experience being responsible for the outbreak of their problem (116). Therefore, it could be concluded that direct conditioning through traumatic experiences accounts for another possible cause (117).
Experiments with non-human primates have demonstrated the powerful impact of observational learning of fear responses, which leads to speculations about the causation of social fears by observing another human being experiencing a traumatic social event; especially for individuals who have socially anxious parents, this might be a relevant cause. (118,119).
Another way children can acquire a fearful attitude from their parents is by observation and interpretation of their parents’ verbal and non-verbal behaviour (120). It has been speculated that this also accounts for socially fearful behaviour as children witness their parents being anxious around others or avoiding certain social situations (121). Thus, the child learns to be socially anxious by “information transfer” (122,123).
Negative life events and stressors, especially in childhood, also seem to be able to set the stage for the development of social anxiety disorder (124). These include moving various times during childhood, being sexually abused, separation or divorce of parents, child illness, psychopathology of a parent, and family conflict (125). The disorder seems to be associated with poor social performance, although many people suffering from social anxiety do not seem to lack social skills (126).
A vicious cycle was proposed, in which the sufferers show poor social performance, which results in negative social experiences (127). These experiences lead to more anxiety, which in turn leads to avoidance of social situations (128). By avoiding social situations, they are less likely to gain better social skills, which reinitiates the cycle by letting them perform poorly in future social interactions (129,130).
How does culture play a role in developing social anxiety?
While in Western countries, such as Germany, France, and the United States, being socially reserved and shy is seen as a negative personality trait (131). In East Asian countries such as Japan and China, people show much more positive attitudes towards these features (132). This of course, not only causes big differences in the suffering the disorder provokes, but also leads to less prevalence in East Asian countries and higher prevalence in Western culture where the disorder has a more negative impact on the quality of life (133).
What happens in the brain when someone is socially anxious?
When social anxiety happens, the brain starts to get hardwired to expect the worst of every situation, which leads to more negative views of others and very low self-esteem (134).
The amygdala is often associated with social anxiety (135). It is the brain’s primary fear-processing centre (136).This means that if you are feeling afraid of something, your amygdala is probably the reason. It also actively reacts to facial expressions (137).
Hippocampus is a structure that is associated with memory. It provides context to situations based on similar experiences that have happened in the past (138).
The prefrontal cortex is a structure located in the frontal lobe and includes three different sections: a control centre for decision making and attention, one section for emotional responses, and the other for social behaviour. The prefrontal cortex allows us to think and behave rationally (139).
These brain structures look very different in people with social anxiety disorder. The amygdala grows in density and experiences more activity and blood flow in people with social anxiety (140). Contrary to this, the hippocampus experiences a decrease in density and activity. The activity in the prefrontal cortex is dramatically reduced in the brain in someone with social anxiety (141).
When someone without social anxiety sees an angry face, their amygdala will recognize that they need to be cautious, but people with social anxiety will experience an out-of-proportion negative reaction, not only with angry faces but with neutral ones as well (142). Remember, that the hippocampus uses context from the past to evaluate situations (143). Individuals with social anxiety have more trouble putting social situations into context. They will be less able to remember positive encounters with others and more likely to remember unpleasant ones. Because of this, the pattern of feeling scared about social encounters will continue (144).
The prefrontal cortex of socially anxious individuals has more difficulty deciding whether a particular social situation should or should not be feared, and instead, perceives all situations as threats if they are in the social context (145). This leads to a heightened level of fear and avoidance (146,147)
What can be done?
Various psychological treatments can be adapted to treat social anxiety disorder (148). These include cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and CBT focuses on working on the clients’ various beliefs that contribute to them developing social anxiety (149). Along with beliefs, cognitive behavioural therapists also work on clients’ past situations or events that have contributed to them developing social anxiety over the years (150,151).
Furthermore, pharmacological treatments could also be chosen such as prescribing SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) (152). But when it comes to having social anxiety related to specific performance tasks like public speaking, then different medications could be prescribed by a psychiatrist (153).But more or less, psychotherapy like CBT can help clients to deal with the psychological aspects that result in the development of social anxiety. (154,155).
To summarise, social anxiety is the fear of being humiliated, embarrassed, or rejected, in some kind of a social situation, whether it is on the phone, on a zoom call, or in person with other people (156). Everybody experiences social anxiety to some degree, but social anxiety disorder occurs when there is some kind of intense impairment or distress that occurs in these scenarios(157). Various factors could contribute to the development of social anxiety such as genetics, environmental factors, attachment style of the child, temperament, cultural differences, etc (158,159). With the help of talk therapy such as CBT and medications, social anxiety can be effectively treated (160).
If you or anyone you know are showing signs and symptoms of having social anxiety, please do not hesitate and contact a mental health professional to seek professional help to combat social anxiety. Remember…you are not alone!
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Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash
Photo by Alexander Krivitskiy on Unsplash
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Photo by Compare Fibre on Unsplash
Photo by Steven Lasry on Unsplash
Photo by Mika Baumeister on Unsplash
Photo by Wan San Yip on Unsplash
Photo by Ryan Fields on Unsplash
Photo by Sarah Medina on Unsplash
Photo by Jordan Whitt on Unsplash
Photo by Kelli McClintock on Unsplash
Photo by Lynda Hinton on Unsplash
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