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Writer's pictureSareem Athar

The importance of self-care for mental health professionals

Date: 10/04/23

Author Name: Sareem Athar

Qualifications: BA (Psychology, Mass communication & Journalism, Literature), MSc Clinical Psychology, Diploma in Child Psychology

Designation: Former Admin Head, ACRO Mental Health & Wellness.

Word count: 725 words.

Reading time: 5 Minutes

Reviewed & edited by: Mariyam Mohammed & Ayesha Begum

It is our responsibility as mental health professionals to help those who require it by offering them support, direction, and care (1,2). However, we must put our own self-care first in order to accomplish this effectively (3). Self-care is crucial for our own well-being, and we must be sure to look after ourselves in the same way that we look after our clients (4). We will discuss the value of self-care for mental health professionals in this blog post and how it can enhance the level of care we offer to our patients.

The Importance of Self-Care

We take part in self-care practices and behaviors to keep our physical, emotional, and mental health in check (5). This may entail behaviors like getting enough sleep, maintaining a healthy diet, engaging in physical activity, and scheduling time for personal renewal (6,7). Self-care is important for mental health professionals because it not only keeps us from burning out but also makes it easier for us to handle the stress and demands of our work (8).

Mental health professionals need to be able to manage their stress well because we frequently come into contact with our patient's emotional and psychological stress(9). We might go through emotional exhaustion and burnout if we don't prioritize our needs first (10). Burnout can have a negative impact on the level of care we provide to our patients because it is a state of protracted stress-related emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion (11).

Self-care can help mental health professionals maintain their health and concentration in addition to reducing stress and avoiding burnout (12,13). In order to better manage our own mental health and be more present and involved with our clients, it is important for us to prioritize our own self-care (14,15). This can then result in better outcomes for our clients as we are better able to give them the care and support they require (16,17).

Practical Tips for Practising Self-Care

Finding the self-care methods that work best for you can be difficult because there are so many different ways to practice self-care(18). Some practical tips for practicing self-care include:

establishing boundaries: As mental health professionals, we frequently feel obligated to be accessible to our patients at all times. However, it's important to set boundaries and make time for ourselves outside of work hours. This can aid in recharging and avoiding burnout (19,20)).

Physical activity: Exercise is beneficial for both physical and mental health. It can also reduce stress and lift our spirits (21,22).

Getting enough sleep: Sleep is crucial for both our physical and mental well-being, so it's crucial to ensure that we do (23,24).

Taking breaks: We can stay focused and recharged by taking regular breaks throughout the day. Stretching for a short while or taking a quick walk can have a significant impact (25,26).

Finding support: Having a network of people to lean on, including friends, family, and coworkers, is crucial(27). Having people to talk to and lean on can help us manage stress and prevent burnout (28).

The Role of Self-Care in Mental Health Treatment

The importance of self-care extends beyond mental health professionals to our patients as well (29). By engaging in self-care, we set an example for our clients and can motivate them to put self-care first (28). Self-care can also be a significant component of mental health treatment (29). Self-care activities can assist our clients in managing their own stress and enhancing their mental health (30).

Finally, it should be noted that our clients also value self-care (31); this is true for both mental health professionals and their patients. By prioritising our own self-care, we set an example for our clients and can motivate them to do the same (32).

The American Psychological Association (APA) and the National Association of Social Workers (NASW), among other professional associations, also acknowledge the significance of self-care for those who work in the field of mental health(33). These organisations offer guidelines and suggestions for self-care techniques that mental health professionals can use to stay well-rested and avoid burnout.

For instance, the APA suggests getting regular exercise, getting enough sleep, and taking part in enjoyable activities, like hobbies or spending time with loved ones (34). The NASW stresses the value of asking for help and guidance from peers and co-workers, practising mindfulness and stress-reduction methods, and conducting routine self-reflection and assessment (35,36).


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